Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ground Hog Day

Today is Mommy's favorite theme day! She loves to watch Groudhog's Day the movie with Bill Murray, only on Groundhog Day! I don't quite understand the movie. I think the holiday is a VERY bad holiday. Can you imagine? A bunch of people who get together and rip a poor defenseless animal out of it's warm little home, just so they can say whether it saw it's own shadow? (Which by the way, he did see his own shadow.) I sure hope they don't do something like that with me! Take me out and then, if I see my shadow say, "six more weeks of pregnancy!" So today I am speaking out: Babies Against GroudHog's Day! I am creating a group. Personally I think I have this thing BAGD! ;)

- Bater

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