Saturday, February 27, 2010

Conferences Times of Boredom and Excitement

So Mommy and I started the conference yesterday. BORING! All I did was sit there and be a zombie. There was nothing for me to do. I put out a plug for help to any other embryos in the area, but no one responded. I think they were all put to sleep. I drifted off soon after. Later, in the evening, I woke up to a pleasant surprise... we were shopping! Mommy and Aunty were shopping for some clothing for me! I was wondering if I was going to have to live with the clothing I have in here or if I could get something new. Now how can I get it in here? Wait! I know! Mommy has a bellybutton. I get my food from a tube in my belly, I wonder If she can just send it that way? Now how can I get her to do that? I know... email!

- Bater

P.S. - oh woe is me! Mommy responded:

Dear Bater,
No. Get used to disappointments, your Mommy is a meany:)

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