Monday, January 4, 2010

My Great Adventure

Yesterday I had an awesome time! I was able to take a great adventure and explore my surroundings. I started by looking around and making sure I had plenty to eat. I noticed I have a cord connected to me and I get all the food I need from there, so I was set. I left home around 1 in the morning and started climbing upward. I entered a long tunnel that was bumpy and had a lot of water on the ground. I didn't have to worry about seeing because I still can't see.

The tunnel was bumpy as I said before and extremely long. Several times I slipped but my cord held on. I finallly made a corner around 8 in the morning and found myself in a large chasm. There I looked around and there was only one other hole to continue my journey in and that was located in the ceiling. I took out my spelunking gear that I purchased from REI, and made quick work of the space.

Once at the mouh of the cave, I looked up. I could feel a cool air every now and then that oscillated evenly and every so often. I followed the long road upward, and when I turned the final corner, I could finally see, figuratively of course, a large punching bag directly above my head! I climbed and climbed and found a cave to my right, immediately before the punching bag. I went into the cave and kept climbing.

I ended up in a cave. It had two exits. There were stalacmites and stalactites all over. I then saw BUBBLES! Tons and tons of BUBBLES! and tons of kids playing. It was nursery! I took a wrong turn. This definitely wasn't the fridge! Well I turned right around and went back home! The world is scarey! I think I will stay right here for a long time! I hope that's ok Mommy!


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