Sunday, January 17, 2010

Happy Week Day!

Woohoo! My tail is almost gone and I have webbed fingers and toes! My neural pathways are being built and my lungs are starting to come in! I'm almost a fetus! Woohoo! I'm also moving around incesantly, I think it's time for a remodel, the bed is uncomfortable. I'm about the size of a kidney bean.

OOPS! I think yesterday I used just a LITTLE too much energy from Mommy. Mommy slept in until 9 and didn't eat anything. Since she was asleep, I figured I could take advantage of the situation and consume more energy. Well, that wasn't good, Mommy was exhausted all day long! But that's ok! I'm now growing like a weed!( I hope not like a thistle, that would hurt!) Woohoo!


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