Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Trash Compactor and Spilling the Beans

Last night was awful! My trash compactor went on the fritz. Every time Mommy sat down in an upright position, rather than leaning back, the thing would open up and spill all the bio matter I wasn't using any more, all over the floor! I got so angry at one point, I used a hammer to try and fix it. While I was swinging, I reached back a little too far and hit the wall of Mommy's tummy. That probably didn't feel good. She felt a strong sharp pain. Sorry Mommy! There were several times Mommy said to Daddy: "Your CHILD is making me VERY uncomfortable right now!" I never knew that if I was good I was Mommy's and if I was bad I was Daddy's...good to know!

Anyways, I got the trash compactor fixed, I shipped it to Sears for over night repairs. They even brought it back and installed it for me!

Finally, well it's official, I'm just getting too big for people NOT to notice me. Last night more friends of Mommy and Daddy, guessed that she was pregnant. Mommy's tummy is growing...oops I mean, I am growing!

- Bater

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