Monday, March 1, 2010

To Be Happy or Not to Be Happy, a Modern Baby Issue

You know being an embryo is quite an interesting experience. We go through so many different experiences and system checks. Yesterday I started the facial muscle system check. I tell you, this is just plain weird. Turns out that this thing called a brain actually controls my muscles all around my body. Well, it started with my face. It keeps smiling then frowning and then grimacing and then starting back over. I literally can't decide if I am happy or not because I keep changing my facial features. Weird! I also woke up this morning to a fur coat! That's right, it turns out that my "Lanugo" is coming in. No it's not a deadly disease, it's a system of small white or semi transparent hair that grows all over my body. I was getting a little cold, so my body produced this. So now you know! I am an out of control, can't be happy, mad or sad, small little Sasquatch in the womb. I tell ya, growing up is just plain weird!

- Bater

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