Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Dangly Dangerous Thingy!

So...I am a thumb sucker! That's right, I'm sorry, but it comforts me! I love to suck on my thumb! I just started it three days ago. Last night Mommy bumped my arm while I was sucking on my thumb. You know, it's interesting the discussion people have about whether it is good for a baby to suck their thumb or even why we do it. Well...wouldn't you if you were the only one around? Wouldn't you if you didn't know what was going on and you were learning about your body? Well that's why. However, I do have to say, the reason I do it is for a little bit different reason: the dangly dangerous thingy in your mouth! Now, I have since researched and discovered this is called the uvula.

It was a dark and stormy night. Did my noir style scare you? No, it was while I was at school with Mommy. I wanted to explore my mouth. I was probing it with my fingers, when all of a sudden, Mommy bumped a table. My fingers slipped into the back of my mouth and I started this weird coughing type feeling! I didn't like it. So I started to probe with just my thumb. This prevents my finger from EVER hitting the uvula again! See...there is a reason. Now, how can I probe using my foot? Eh...that will need to wait until I am born!

- Bater

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