Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gases Exp...lode?

Oops! I really did it yesterday. I got a new chemistry set and started playing with some liquids. As I was mixing liquids, I noticed that they were changing into a gaseous state. It was really cool! So I decided to mix a really LARGE batch. It exploded on me and Mommy's tummy filled with gas! It just kept going and going! Sorry Mommy! I didn't mean to cause so much pain!! She had to skip class and go home early. Mommy just kept blaming it on her gall bladder, so I guess it's ok. However, I do have to say, it was awesome! I think part of the gas made was laughing gas. I just floated around giggling the whole time. It was rather pleasant. So to all you aspiring chemists out there: make sure you are not in a 8x8" stomache and that you are in a well ventilated room when mixing unknown chemicals. Also, read the labels! My chemicals said: not for use inside the womb. Now they tell me! Yeesh!

- Bater

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