Thursday, August 19, 2010


Mommy...I'm sorry, but I just can't figure out how to get out of here. All yesterday you tried getting me to move more to the middle of your stomach, but I just can't figure out how to get out! I need instructions. Now, all of you have been in my position before, how did you do it? I need help. Should I break the water first or should I simply descend first. And by the way, which way is down. Up has always been above my head but now I am not sure. Love you Mommy. Coming soon.


1 comment:

  1. I think Bater knows a good thing and is in no hurry to make an appearance. He knows there will be plenty of time for that first awful bath and crying when he is very frustrated, etc...for right now, he is warm, well fed, and without a care in the world. Would you be in a hy=urry to give all that up?
    Gini, ARA
    (Associate Research Assistant)
