Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Week Day - 4

It's official. I am 36 weeks...9 months... Or however you want to look at it! I am gaining 1 oz of weight every day! I am also 18 1/2 inches long. Guess what? I am almost ready! There are so many things that Mommy thinks she needs to do, but you know what, it's ok! I love you Mommy! Anyways, I have been moving like crazy lately. Last night, as Mommy was laying down, I realized that I was a little chubby, so I started doing crunches. Up down. Up down. It must have looked crazy from outside. Daddy makes it sound like I am a shark...retiring to the deep then surfacing for a frenzy. That's right I am the rare and elusive bater shark!


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