Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy Week Day! - Due Date

Well, I am 40 weeks today! Wow. I am almost 20 inches long and weigh about like a small pumpkin. I am slowly making my way down. I guess I am supposed to come today, but I don't know if I am done or not. Anyways, I got an eviction notice from Grandma as well. Just this morning. It says, and I quote:

Final Eviction Notice. Please note that you have be given your final notice to vacate premises of mommy. Failure to do so will cause mass anxiety in grandparents and relatives alike.

I think she means business!


1 comment:

  1. Due dates schmoo dates...when you are done cooking, you will make an appearance, not before. Take your time...the relatives will survive, and so will mommy and daddy.
