Sunday, June 13, 2010

Happy Week Day!

Happy 29 Weeks Day all! It was 29 weeks ago today that all of this started... CRAZY! Anyways, I am 2 1/2 pounds today about the weight of a butternut squash and am around 15 inches long! Wow! I just went through a growth spurt, so now Mommy's tummy is more round than before. Anyways, I am growing and sucking up a LOT of calcium for my bones. So naturally, the National Milk Producers Federation has asked me to give a little plug for them so...
Hi. I'm Bater. You may know me from my blog Bater Epistles. I'm a baby. When babies grow in their Mommys' tummies, we soak up tons of calcium! It is used for our bones to strengthen them and help them grow. So please drink Milk! (this advertisement is an approved message by the National Milk Producers Federation.) I am Bater and I approve of this message.
Well anyways, all is well. Mommy, Daddy and I are just recovering from a long day yesterday of yard work! Pass the Icy Hot and milkshakes!

- Bater

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