So yesterday marked the beginning of my training! Not a whole lot of people know or remember when they did this in the womb, but there is an extensive program that you start right around the 23 week mark, it is called: The Iron-Baby! This training program gets us ready for birth. You bulk up and strengthen so you can get out safely. Well yesterday I began my training! I was moving and dodging and twisting ALL over the place. I think I spooked Mommy. She wasn't expecting it. Also, I had to start consuming a whole lot more energy. I have to grow and gain a whole lot more in weight. So, naturally, I took a little too much and Mommy was out for the count by 8:15 last night. Crazy! Anyways, it was a tough day. Coach Greeny was still mean, but you know what? My skin has toughened since last time. Literally! ;)
- Bater
Go Bater!!!!