Friday, April 9, 2010

Enough With The Pokin' Already

I have an impatient Daddy. I know, I know, this may come as a surprise to you. Last night, he wanted to feel me moving. I was having nothing of that. He would put his hand on Mommy's stomach and then I would stop moving. Well, he didn't like that. He would sit there for minutes waiting to feel something. Well, there I was just sitting still, laying low when from the side came Mommy. She poked me! She pressed hard! I didn't like that. So Daddy got to feel me move for the first time. Grrr.... As a result of that I am now opening a new help organization called:BAND-AID - Babies Against Neurotic Daddys Ample Impatient Deviousness. We need to spread the word! Daddy's across the world suffer from ABS - Annoying the Baby Syndrome. It is estimated that approximately 80 - 90% of all daddys in the world suffer from this. So naturally, the babies suffer as well. If you would like to help, send an email to Any help is appreciated. And Mommy? Enough with the pokin' already! Oy! (yes I am pseudo Jewish today)

- Bater

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