Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Daddy is sick again. I ponder why he gets sick so often and if that's what is in store for me when I get out of here! Have you ever asked yourself, which red blood cell will float by today. Or, how many kicks does it take to get your Mommy to roll over? There is my favorite as well: which toe do I suck on now? All of these questions haunt me, and keep me up at night. Little does Mommy know, but my schedule is not reversed from hers because she stops moving at night, it's because I keep worrying about these questions. Her heart burn is because of me. Well, now it's time to drift off asleep pondering how to move Mommy's intestines around for my third bedroom! See it's stuff like this that keeps me up! Oh well.

- Bater

1 comment:

  1. deep breaths, just take it one red blood cell at a time.
